We hope you are enjoying your new FUJIFILM purchase.

Follow the easy steps below to complete your registration.  Fields with asterisk* are required.

Click here to view the full warranty terms and conditions

See here for a list of Authorised X Series dealers.

See here for a list of Authorised GFX dealers.

First Name*:
Last Name*:
Email Address*:

About your equipment

Select your Series*:
Product Purchased*:
Serial Number*:
Date of Purchase*:
Retailer Purchased From*:
Upload Proof Of Purchase*:

Can we stay in touch?

We would like to stay in touch and be able to send you links to the latest FUJIFILM firmware upgrades to ensure your product is operating to the best of its abilities.
We would also occasionally send you information about special offers and promotions. 

Read our privacy policy here.